The family that walks together...

Yesterday, we shopped around for sneakers or jogging shoes. The family aspired to start jogging together at least 3 times a week to stay healthy. And loose unwanted weight, if possible and of course! Worst case scenario, if we can’t jog then take brisk walks BUT as a family!

We figured, since we all love food and eating out at fancy spots, and we wouldn’t want to give all those up, then we’d start exercising to help us maintain healthy physical presentations, if you know what I mean. Over the past few moons, I noticed my pear shape turning very peary and Hanafy walking with his head forward to balance his, ehem, pronounced tummy.

Raziq, too has become very rotund – well, with the last few weeks of no prancing around the playground due to the mid-year exams and all, he hasn’t been able to turn those babyish fat into healthy sweat. The only one who has remained slim is Raihanah, and that is equally worrying.

Raziq spotted and fancied a pair of Puma’s and the cost was something I could afford for him, considering his birthday is just a few days round the corner. However, the lack of service (read: attention) from the many sales assistants loitering around the shop floor trying hard to look busy made us walk out with a loud “well, if they don’t want our money, we’ll go elsewhere”. And we made sure some of them noticed us walk into the sports shop just next door!

Poor dears, what they desired didn’t come in their sizes so I strike a deal with them. We’ll get ourselves ordinary no-brand running/exercising shoes. And if we remain true to our family pledge of 3 times a week of brisk walk and or jog, we’ll treat ourselves to those oh-so-very-branded shoes. Every one of us.

And mummy will throw in a pair of branded sweat shirt and bottoms for herself! Hey, I’m paying maaahh…


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