Customer service is common sense

Customer service personnel were taught to match the emotions of their clients, in managing and facing difficult situations.

When a customer is angry, match that with confidence (please...not anger). Let them talk, pay attention to them and stay focused on their face, soften your own facial expression and your posture, acknowledge their emotions with nods in between their anger outpour (never, ever tell them to calm down, sir/madam!) and when there is a pause, put in your say.

When you think of this, try to remember a time at home when we were growing up and an adult (parent or elder sibling or relative) got angry or is upset over something....what were we told to do?

"Shut up and listen to me"..."Don't say anything"..."Don't interupt"...""Don't talk back, I'm not done" and such along the lines of "I talk and you listen". No doubt at the home front, the words sound harsh and they are,but don't they sound very much like what we are now (again) taught to do???

I knew they were reasons why mums, and dads, say they always know whats best!


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