We know but...

10 days into her new, healthier diet of white meat (fish mostly and skinless chicken, steamed, souped or poached, low salt and low sugar), vegetables cooked in the same manner and one scoop of rice per day, my mum lost 4 kg.

And judging from the way things are going, we are pretty sure she'll discipline herself to eat healthily for the sake of her hypertension, cholesterol and aching-joints conditions. The trigger? That hospital stay which saw her diagnosed with a heart condition.

I don't know about the rest of the family, but for me this was also the motivation for me to start and stay on a healthier life-style, especially in regards to my eating habits and perspective on life.

Human nature, I guess. This trait of knowing how not good things are but not doing anything about them until something happens...well, I plan to stay on this path if not for my own sake, then to cheer mum on.


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